• Overcoming Fear

    A young male husky mix dog has taken up residence at my apartment complex. I think I glimpsed him about three weeks ago…something white-ish moved in the wooded area behind one of the dumpsters and I just assumed it was a cat — we have several of those running loose around here. Then, last week while I was out walking Zoe, I saw him just a few feet away as he was traveling at the tree line on the backside of the complex. He stopped and looked at me, acting as if he wanted to approach but since Zoe is afraid of larger dogs, particularly the husky breed, I didn’t encourage him. I’ve seen him several other times since then and it breaks my heart…

  • It’s Fall, Ya’ll!

    I’m so glad that fall has arrived. Although we don’t get the vivid colors like places north of us, after the grueling heat of the summer it’s a refreshing season for the south as cooler temperatures finally begin to settle in.  In recent days we’ve had just a foretaste of the cooler air and it’s been pleasant to walk Zoe without the heavy, oppressive stickiness that this region is so accustomed to having. I’m also glad that I’m settling in to my new apartment in Pensacola. I’m still organizing and putting things away and developing my new routine, but traveling back and forth to Mobile on weekends has slowed my progress. I’m very grateful, though, that I don’t have the 50 mile times two daily…

  • Finally, Spring!

    It feels a bit unreal that April is upon us. Seems like Christmas was just yesterday…and now we are entering the month that places us one-third of the way into this year already! I’m waking up to hear the birds singing and flowers blooming and I’m grateful the winter is behind us. If you are following the calendar series, here is April’s offering. Download your printable 4 x 6 calendar here and be reminded of the goodness of God in your life.